Spain Have Cloned Bull

Melgar DE YUSO - Scientists from Spain claim to have succeeded in cloning of a bull for the first time in the country.

Specialist generika animals, Torrent Vicente said, new-born child named bull's Got an exact replica of the parent clone, a specimen of this type of bull horns for matadors.

Quoted by the Straits Times, Thursday (20/05/2010), these animals are shown in the official the day after his birth. Now is the weight of the bull clones reached 24 kilograms.

Torrent said, his team consisted of 17 people would have hoped Got malignant characteristics in common with its genetic predecessor, who named Vasito, a specimen is quite valuable.

True animal cloning process begins in the world in 1996 with the first test gave birth to a lamb named Dolly.

Torrent said, it took approximately three years to devise a means of preserving endangered animals, particularly by way of cloning.


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