LAS VEGAS - COED Magazine's entertainment magazine released a list of female artist of the most frequently searched on the internet via search engine Google. From the list of 50 artists are women, appears the name of Lady Gaga.

Yes, the eccentric singer managed to become the number one female artist popular list and Google's version of the COED. Musicians who hooked mutually nyeleneh clothes are got rid of other famous names such as Submit, Madonna or Beyonce.

But the funny thing is, as reported by ABC News, Friday (5/7/2010), although 50 list is intended for female celebrities, the name of Jason Beiber exactly appearing among the other female artist. It is not known exactly why COED choose Beiber as the only men are listed. Except for the Canadian singer is currently being loved by millions of teenage girls around the world.

Here are 25 popular artists in the Google version of the COED

25. Christina Aguilera
24. Sandra Bullock
23. Kim Kardashian
22. Katy Perry
21. Michelle Obama
20. Lindsay Lohan
19. Jessica Simpson
18. Sarah Palin
17. Mariah Carey
16. Jennifer Lopez
15. Megan Fox
14. Oprah
13. Angelina Jolie
12. Taylor Swift
11. Shakira
10. Avril Lavigne
9. Paris Hilton
8. Miley Cyrus
7. Justin Bieber
6. Britney Spears
5. Rihanna
4. Beyonce
3. Madonna
2. Kesha
1. Lady GaGa


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