Because of the rising price of fuel as well as the environmental damage it causes to our planet, a lot of automobile owners or buyers are looking for an alternative way to save money. Let's face it, fuel supply is finite and the prices of gas is only going to rise higher and higher. Which is where a hybrid car has its advantages.

Hybrid cars have been gaining in popularity in recent years. With lower price of production and new hybrid car technology becoming developed, owning a hybrid car is becoming reasonably priced to everyone.

Hybrid Cars Saves Gas
The obvious advantage of utilizing hybrid cars is that it saves gas. Combining the cleaner energy of an electric motor with the long range capacity of a gasoline engine allows a hybrid car to save as a lot as 30 miles a gallon. One feature ofhybrid cars is that the gasoline engine is shut off automatically when the auto stops. This also helps in saving fuel. That is also the reason whyhybrid cars are so quiet why it's stationary. The gasoline engine is automatically turned on when you step on the accelerator pedal.

Hybrid Cars Are Environment Friendly
Hybrid cars emit lower toxic emissions in contrast to regular gasoline-powered motors due to very much less gasoline becoming burned. It really is environmentally friendly, causes a smaller amount pollution and releases much less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If you do not know, carbon dioxide is one of the primary reasons for rising global warming. For example, the Toyota Prius can cut down tailpipe emissions by up to ninety percent along with the greenhouse gas emissions by as very much as fifty percent.

Tax Incentives For Hybrid Cars
Due to world political pressures around the world to reduce greenhouse emissions, President Bush signed an agreement in 2005 to provide huge tax relief to hybrid car buyers. The tax incentive varies by model and are based on two factors
  1. How fuel efficient the hybrid car is in contrast to a standard auto in 2002 utilizing the same weight class.
  2. How very much gasoline the hybrid car can save in its lifetime compared with an equivalent conventional automobile
For instance, a Honda Accord Hybrid car have reduced tax credits of $600 while a Toyota Prius has a tax credit of $3150. Do note that the tax credits do expire after 2010 for mosthybrid cars.

Hybrid car manufacturers are continually researching for a lot more methods to decrease fuel consumption and better fuel efficiency. Also as a lot morehybrid cars are being adopted, the expense of hybrid cars will reduce making it more affordable for everyone.
A thing or a process is always the most satisfying if you get the best out it. And though there are several steps that need to be implemented first, the time and work that will be spent for each are sure worth it. And so, you must know how to get the best out of driving simulation just like with any training, process or thing.

Basically, training with the use of driving simulator is just one of the two methods to learn how to drive. Manual or traditional training is the other approach. Between the two though, driving simulation training is more benefiting to today's modern way of living.

Learning how to drive with the said modern option can offer you several advantages. It can make you learn how to drive not only effectively but safely as well. But of course, those are just twoof the many benefits that choosing it can give.

To get the best out of driving simulator training is to experience all of the benefits that it can give. More so, to get the best of it will make your training expenses all worth it. Seeing that training with driving simulator is more expensive, it is financially wise to really make the most of what it can give. And the following are some tips that could be of help.
  • Pick well your driving school '“ Though the said modern training is generally effective, it will be a big advantage if you will enroll in a particularly good driving school. The quality training that driving simulator can give plus the conducive-for-learning environment that a driving school can provide will greatly impact the effectiveness of the learning process.
  • Get ready for a computer-based learning '“ This means that you should learn as much as you can about driving simulation from basic information to buttons and partsof the machine that you will be using before signing up to train for it. Determine if you'll really feel comfortable learning with a machine. There may be some instructors around but remember that interaction with them is minimal compared to the traditional approach.
  • Ask questions '“ There are different types of driving simulators. Even if you've done your assignment of searching and learning as much as you can about it them, what you'll end up using might be different from what you have researched and studied. And so, ask questions to the instructors if there is anything that you don't how to use or if there is anything that you don't understand.
Make the most of your driving simulator training. With it, you can experience all the benefits that training can give making every bit of your expenses all worth it.
Are you currently single and looking to meet somebody special? Perhaps you're but are weighed down by the time constraints of the professional and personal existence. This can definitely make things a small difficult whenever you would prefer a a lot more active dating existence. But, what can you do when your time is limited and you are unable to become a lot more active within the dating game? Here is some news you'll find helpful: online lesbian dating services can certainly prove to become the answer towards the constraints a schedule might be placing on you. Whenever you sign on with a reliable online dating personals service, you are no longer limited by time at all. Lesbian dating websites are open 24/7 and can accommodate any schedule.

An online lesbian dating site is designed so that members can peruse the profiles of other members. The profiles are created in this kind of a way that they are similar to profiles you'd discover on a social networking website. That is to say, the profiles are very detailed and supply a great deal of information about the person and her interests. These aren't mere cursory classified ads. They will present an overview of the member's personality, hobbies, and interests. This permits potentially interested parties to discover the profiles of those that would be a compatible match.

If there is somebody that you might wish to get in touch with, you are able to usually do so by sending an email or private message to the person. Sending messages could be done at any time of the day or night. Conversely, you can review the responses at whenever you wish too. This creates the needed flexibility to obtain the most out of your dating existence and never having to alter your professional or individual responsibilities. Occasionally, these alterations would not be feasible which is why online lesbian dating has become so popular. It delivers an exceptional and viable means to fix such a problem.

And who says you require to do all the searching yourself? Others is going to be examining your profile and (hopefully) responding to it. This really is definitely a plus to signing on with this kind of a website. Nevertheless, it is a passive approach and you most likely would not be best served being passive about finding someone new. Again, the user-friendly nature of a dating website allows you to initiate get in touch with with little trouble. As this kind of, you could be quite proactive in your pursuit of somebody that may prove interesting to you.

Just don't fall into the trap of being impatient. This really is a typical error women will make on this kind of a site and it's greatest avoided. As with conventional means of meeting somebody, rushing in will generally not work. This is why exercising a little patience with an online dating website boosts the odds that the result is going to be an optimistic one and you'll meet somebody new.
The latest mobile phones are embedded with highly advanced features and enjoy huge popularity among the masses. Leading phone makers in the market are Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, Blackberry, HTC, and Motorola who have produced products that have been highly appreciated. The trend continues even today and new models are launched on a regular basis. People can get their highly cherished phone at affordable rates by availing the latest mobile deals. There are several types of deals available through which users can get the handset of their choice on the networks of popular service providers like Orange, Vodafone, T- Mobile, Three, Virgin and O2.

Some of the latest mobile deals are Contract mobile phones, Pay G phones, SIM free deals, clearance mobile phones. Contract phone deal showers users with multiple gifts like free phones, calls at low rates , free SMS, free rental line, freebies LCD TV, Play station, laptops and all types of phone accessories. But to get all these incentives one has to enter into an agreement with a service provider. The contract period can be of six, 12 or 18 months. It depends upon the user, the time period he wants to enter into contract with the service provider. The user cannot switch to another service provider during the contract period. In this way the network provider gets a loyal customer and it continuously provides users with attractive gifts and incentives. This is done so that people continue their services with them and eventually extend the agreement period with them.

Another latest phone deal is PAYG phones users are not obliged to use the services of a particular service provider as they are not bind by any contract. They have to recharge their mobile phones when they run out of balance and are free to switch to the services of any network provider. In SIM free, users can use services of a network provider of their choice on the handset of their choice. In clearance phones, users can get the latest handsets at an affordable price on various networks. Those, who cannot afford to buy an expensive handset can go for this deal and enjoy the phones laced with highly advanced features.

The latest mobile deals have something to offer to everyone and every mobile phone fanatic will love them as it enables them to get their favorite handset with various attractive offers. They get true value for the money invested by them.
How many times has this question been presented? There are many relationships that went to a break up that could have been saved if the couple had stepped back to look at what was going on between them. They may have been able to see that what they where doing was the wrong way to fix their problems.

One of the first things a couple should work on is good communication skills. If the two can not effectively talk to each other, how can they expect to workout any problems they may have. If you are having problems with your boyfriend can you talk to him about it and carry on a decent exchange of ideas or does it become a shouting match?

If a couple have been together for a while they can get to the point where communication starts to slip, this is something you must constantly work on. Even talking together about the days events, how things are going at work and what's happening in the world are subjects that get you started. Don't come home and each of you go about your own thing without much interaction.

To go along with talking, you need to be a good listener. This is when you hear what the other is saying and catch what's going on in their world. If your partner has something to say to you give them the respect of paying attention or you may miss something very important. Again, as a couple that has been together for some time, the listening skills can slip, it is sometimes called selective hearing.

Work on your communication skills and you can avoid having to fix a bad relationship. There will be problems that come up but being the two of you are able to talk to each other the problems are easier to fix.

Motor Ghosts of India

MUMBAI - Motor and the human framework may not be reconciled. But for the builder of this one, both are actually combined to create a new iron horse like rise from the grave.

If some kind of chopper motorcycle owners want luxury look with chrome fused in some parts as well as special paint strokes combined, the other with this bike.

Results creations Vardenchi Customs, a home modification from India, managed to unite the whole concept of the human skeleton into a motorcycle.

"I was never impressed with the results on this bike in the earlier work," said the builder, as quoted from Topspeed, Thursday (03/18/2010).

Maybe he should be proud, considering the results of his hard work for three months, almost no visible defects of the motor which he later dubbed, The Skeletor. This motor is also the recognition of a celebrity booking Mumbai.

Want proof? Please see the headlights of his house designs similar to the intact human skull. While parts of the human hand was asked to front shock Skeletor, complete with detailed craftsmanship as fingers grabbed the front wheel.

Continue to the middle, the back bones of the human skeleton that adorn the chopper tank. To be more similar to the original framework of human bones, the builder actually imitating the design of the human skeleton he was looking for from the various photographs on the internet.

For the seat, hip bone to ration this sector. Then forwarded to the thigh and leg bones which served as the arms swing back and as a place of attachment of the rear wheels.

Modifier also seems reluctant to apply the other colors besides the original color of a typical human skeleton as well as some black curtain which makes Maik looks haunted.

Maybe Skeletor deserve diujuluki 'Motor Ghosts of India'.
LAS VEGAS - COED Magazine's entertainment magazine released a list of female artist of the most frequently searched on the internet via search engine Google. From the list of 50 artists are women, appears the name of Lady Gaga.

Yes, the eccentric singer managed to become the number one female artist popular list and Google's version of the COED. Musicians who hooked mutually nyeleneh clothes are got rid of other famous names such as Submit, Madonna or Beyonce.

But the funny thing is, as reported by ABC News, Friday (5/7/2010), although 50 list is intended for female celebrities, the name of Jason Beiber exactly appearing among the other female artist. It is not known exactly why COED choose Beiber as the only men are listed. Except for the Canadian singer is currently being loved by millions of teenage girls around the world.

Here are 25 popular artists in the Google version of the COED

25. Christina Aguilera
24. Sandra Bullock
23. Kim Kardashian
22. Katy Perry
21. Michelle Obama
20. Lindsay Lohan
19. Jessica Simpson
18. Sarah Palin
17. Mariah Carey
16. Jennifer Lopez
15. Megan Fox
14. Oprah
13. Angelina Jolie
12. Taylor Swift
11. Shakira
10. Avril Lavigne
9. Paris Hilton
8. Miley Cyrus
7. Justin Bieber
6. Britney Spears
5. Rihanna
4. Beyonce
3. Madonna
2. Kesha
1. Lady GaGa

Spain Have Cloned Bull

Melgar DE YUSO - Scientists from Spain claim to have succeeded in cloning of a bull for the first time in the country.

Specialist generika animals, Torrent Vicente said, new-born child named bull's Got an exact replica of the parent clone, a specimen of this type of bull horns for matadors.

Quoted by the Straits Times, Thursday (20/05/2010), these animals are shown in the official the day after his birth. Now is the weight of the bull clones reached 24 kilograms.

Torrent said, his team consisted of 17 people would have hoped Got malignant characteristics in common with its genetic predecessor, who named Vasito, a specimen is quite valuable.

True animal cloning process begins in the world in 1996 with the first test gave birth to a lamb named Dolly.

Torrent said, it took approximately three years to devise a means of preserving endangered animals, particularly by way of cloning.

The Genius Since Childhood

LEONARDO di ser Piero da Vinci, or better known as Leonardo da Vinci, often dubbed as the archetypal "renaissance man" and a universal genius.

The world also knows the other geniuses, like John Stuart Mills (philosopher) or Albert Einstein (scientist). They considered a genius for giving a lot of influence on their respective fields. However, the genius one would be extraordinary when it is shown since childhood. This has achieved a number of "magic child" in the world. Just mention William James Sidis, the human who has the intelligence quotient (IQ) or the level of intellect to reach the range of 250-300. Sidis referred to as a child prodigy since the age of eight months has been able to feed themselves with a spoon. In fact, at the age of two years old he made the prestigious U.S. newspaper, the New York Times as a friend for breakfast.

Remarkably again, at the age of 8 years old Sidis has written several books including the anatomy and astronomy. Sidis genius grew when at the age of 11 years old accepted at Harvard University as the youngest student. In fact, one of the top universities was amazed when Sidis gave a lecture on the Four Dimensions body in front of the professors of mathematics. Sidis genius is not separated from the role of his father, Boris Sidis, a psychologist reliable Jew who graduated from Harvard University. Boris makes his son as a "prototype" for a new educational model. This pattern is to attack the conventional education system which is considered to be the culprit of crime and criminality. Apparently, this makes the Sidis tortured. He died at the age of 46 years, a time in which a scientist should be in productive years.

Worse yet, Sidis died in a state of unemployed, isolated and very poor. However, the tragic story of genius Sidis suffered no other figures as Pablo Picasso. Picasso was born October 25, 1881, as well known as one of the child prodigy, is also the one with the longest name in the world, that is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Ruiz y Picasso Clito. Called magic because of his interest in the process of making a painting is already visible when he was still unable to speak. The first word that can be uttered as an infant was "piz" which is the abbreviation of the word "lapiz" which in Spanish means pencil. At the age of 7 years, Picasso received formal education and artistic fields of painting from his father. Since then the works of Picasso's masterpiece begins.

The name of Howard Phillips Lovecraft also can not be released as one of the child prodigy in the world. He was one of the most influential horror writers in the 20th century. Lovecraft learn to read at age 2 years and began writing poetry at the age of six years complicated. It is growing interest in Lovecraft to the literature is the grandfather who gives classics such as The Arabian Night and The Iliad and The Odissey to read. His grandfather also driving interest in the gothic horror Lovecraft in the story by telling horror stories composed his own.

Other figures also show the genius since childhood is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This brilliant pianist and composer is one of the most famous child prodigy in history.

He started learning to play piano at age four years, to compose his first song at age 5 years old. At age 8 years old, Mozart composed symphonies the first. However, Mozart did not live long. He died at the age of 35 years old. Throughout his life, Mozart has authored approximately 600 compositions for symphony, opera, piano, orchestra, and others. In addition to the above figures, it seems unfair if the predatory child prodigy without mention of Kim Ung-Yong. Men born March 7, 1963 is known as the super genius. The official record of Guinness Book of Records, Ung-Yong is called as human beings with the highest IQ this time, namely 210. He began talking at age 6 months and can start conversations at the age of one year.

At the age of three years, Ung-Yong could read and write in four languages (Japanese, Korean, German, and English). Ung-Yong became the students majoring in physics at Hanyang University from the age of 4 years to 7 years old. At the age of six years, he showed the ability of solving the problem of differential and integral calculus is very complex on a TV show in Japan.

In the era of globalization, some child prodigy has also appeared. Just mention Gregory Smith, the boy was born June 9 1989 he was appointed as President International Youth Advocates, international agencies who care for children. Smith can be read at age 2 years old and started college at the age of 10 years old after graduating from Orange Park High School.

In 2003 graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics, as well as minor studies to the field of history and biology with honoraria from Randolph-Macon College with awards "Force For Good Achevement Lifetime Award." At the age of 14 won a scholarship each year USD50.000 from Jack Kent Cooke. The name of the boy wonder of Indian origin Akrit Jaswal (born on April 23, 1993) are also included in the list. Currently, Akrit listed as a student and the youngest in the history of Indian doctors. He performed his first surgery at age 7 years old. Akrit genius has been seen since she was a toddler. Can speak at the age of 10 months, and at the age of 5 years old has read the entire book by William Shakespeare. At the age of 11 years old is accepted as a student at Punjab University.

Discuss the child prodigy seemed incomplete without the mention of Cleopatra Stratan (born October 6, 2002). Home boy Chisinau, Moldova is a recorder of history in the music industry as a singer for a fee of 1000 euros per song through the album in 2006 La vârsta de trei ani. Another little girl who is also the magic is Elaina Smith (7), known as a popular broadcaster in the UK. This elementary school students became the youngest radio announcer.

Arab-American Crowned Miss USA

Rima Fakih, a Lebanese immigrant, won the pageant after swimsuit, evening gown and interview competitions. A 24-year-old Arab-American won the title of Miss USA in the annual beauty pageant held Sunday night in Las Vegas.

During the competition, she nearly fell while walking in her gown, but she made it without a spill and went on to beat out contestants from all of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Fakih, who moved to the United States as a baby, is believed to be the first Arab-American and Muslim to hold the title of Miss USA.

She told pageant organizers that her family celebrates both Catholic and Muslim holidays.

Fakih represented the state of Michigan. According to pageant officials, she is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. After completing her reign as Miss USA, Fakih plans to attend law school.

The Miss USA pageant is not affiliated with the annual Miss America pageant.

China Stocks Slide on Property Curbs

China's main stock market plunged more than five percent Monday, on concerns about government steps to cool the country's property market and fears about the impact of European debt woes.

China's main market, the Shanghai Composite Index tumbled 5.07 percent Monday, hitting a 12-month low.

The slide was the index's biggest loss since last August. Property and bank stocks led the fall.

Daphne Roth, the head of Asian equity research at ABN Amro Private Banking's office in Singapore, says the biggest fear among investors in China is more economic tightening measures from the government.

"The first quarter GDP was 11.9 percent and also property prices have been going up and transactions remain very high. So, apparently, whatever the government has been doing, some of the soft policy measures did not work out the way that they wanted them too," said Roth.

On Saturday, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao was quoted by state media as saying the government will take decisive measures to contain increases in property prices in some cities.

In April, property prices in China rose nearly 13 percent, the biggest annual jump in nearly five years.

In response, Chinese authorities launched a series of tightening measures, including new curbs on loans for third home purchases and the raising of minimum down-payments for second homes.

Consumer inflation continues to grow steadily in China, reaching 2.8 percent in April, its highest point in 18 months.

Roth says the draconian measures investors fear could also include possible price caps on electricity, fuel and food.

"I think this is the fear of the market," she said. "That's what they are fearing now, that there will be more measures until the government sees some slow down."

Analysts say concerns about the recent performance of the U.S. stock market and the situation in Europe were also having a negative impact on investors.

They say there are concerns harsh spending cuts mandated by a bailout plan in Europe may choke off a fragile recovery in the 16-country euro zone.

Such concerns were also having an impact on stock markets across Asia, Monday.

In Japan, the Nikkei average fell more than two percent to a 10-week closing low. South Korean shares dropped three percent, extending a decline there. Stocks on Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell 2.5 percent, the port-city's lowest closing level since February.
NATO has unveiled an operations blueprint for the next decade that expands the defense organization's mandate to include counter-terrorism, the war in Afghanistan and missile defense.

The draft document, released Monday, says NATO for the first time must be ready for counter-insurgencies outside the territory of its 28 member-states.

In presenting the plan (in Brussels), NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the alliance "may have to go beyond our borders to defend our borders."

The document also says the alliance should focus on improving relations with Russia, which has supported NATO by opening Russian airspace and ground supply routes from Europe to Afghanistan.

The new document also focuses on the threat of cyber-attacks and the perceived threat posed by Iran's fledgling ballistic missile capability. It says missile defense is most effective as a joint enterprise between the alliance and its partners, including Russia.

It also says NATO should continue to maintain a secure and reliable nuclear arsenal, at what it calls the minimum level required by the prevailing security environment.

Rasmussen is expected to submit the new strategic concepts document for approval at the alliance's next summit, set for Lisbon in November.

The previous strategic NATO plan focused mainly on the grouping's peacekeeping role in places like Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.

That plan, adopted in 1999, was endorsed nearly two years before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States.

The Afghan war, triggered by those attacks, is the largest mission ever attempted by the alliance, which was founded in 1949 to counter threats from the former Soviet Union.

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One in four American adults cannot read or write well enough to function on the job and in everyday life.

Back in 2005, when Frank Ruhli was trying to figure out how ancient Egypt's famous boy pharaoh, King Tut, died, he used CT scans of Tut's mummified remains.

Goodluck Jonathan was sworn in as Nigerian president today following the death of Umaru Yar'Adua after a long illness.

Newspaper columns are, apparently, supposed to be agenda-setting. They're supposed to made of the silken fabric of the zeitgeist, then studded with the sequins of aperçus and interwoven with the silver thread of wit, like a cheap sarong from Monsoon that has been left floating on the sales rack. And so, with just eight days to go before the general election, it would make sense to talk politics. Will Clegg ally himself with Cameron? Will Mandelson ally himself with the Queen and become the next ruler of this country?

But I don't want to talk about any of those things. I want to talk about the mystery of Naomi Campbell and the blood diamond.

Occasionally, a story comes along that is just so stuffed with glories it is hard to believe it's not from the pen of Chris Morris. Naomi Campbell and the blood diamond is one such story. Perhaps you have heard a whisper of this tale from a downmarket rag. Because you are a Guardian reader and your brow is raised high, it is likely you have not. Allow me to lower your brow. And then mop it.

Our tale begins one evening in 1997 in the home of Nelson Mandela, a man whose saintliness is never to be questioned. His unwavering fondness for Slugger Campbell is, therefore, one of those things that most of us are just too mortal to understand.

Campbell was spending the night at Mandela's house, as was Mia Farrow. I reiterate, it is not for humble mortals to query Mandela's social circle. The main thing is, something may have happened that night. Whether it did or not may not ever be fully known. But if it did, the UN-backed special court in The Hague would quite like to know.

Our story now fast-forwards almost a decade, and Farrow has just remembered something about that party round at Nelson's. According to her, the next morning Campbell came to her and said that in the middle of the night, some representatives from one Charles Taylor gave her a diamond. "I just thought, 'What an amazing life Naomi has!'" Farrow told ABC News.

Doesn't she just. You see, there was a small detail that I omitted about that 1997 slumber party: along with Campbell and Farrow, there was one other house guest – namely Taylor, the former president of Liberia who is on trial in The Hague for atrocities committed in Sierra Leone, including orchestrating the raping, torturing, killing and eating of hundreds of thousands of people.

Naomi Campbell, Mia Farrow and President Charles Taylor: you gotta hand it to Mandela, the man sure knows how to compile a guest list. Isn't it funny how, while Mandela is always everyone's fantasy dinner guest, he opts for the dream team of Campbell and Taylor? But I digress.

Here the story might have died, were it not for the fact that Taylor is now on trial for some really inconvenient, you know, things; and were it not also for the fact that, if Taylor did give Campbell a diamond – something that he has denied, along with many other things he is currently denying these days – it could have been a blood diamond. This is not a diamond that is covered in blood, like the ones on Campbell's phone after she embeds it in a maid's skull, but rather a diamond given to Taylor by the junta to purchase arms for the Sierra Leone rebels from South African armament manufacturers.

Campbell's spokeswoman insisted that the model was "co-operating with prosecutors". And again, there this story might have languished, were it not for the fact that Campbell's several bouts of anger management have failed to take root.

Last week, ABC News tried to go where The Hague could not by getting Naomi to answer some questions. Now is one of those times when I regret having chosen the written word as my instrument because, really, you're just going to have to put down this newspaper and get online to watch this interview, in order to see how it looks when a person's soul leaves their body and is replaced by the cold hard eyes of a killer – as is what happens when the reporter repeatedly asks after the alleged diamond. Naomi then jerks her head, as if showing small children what "in a huff" looks like, stands up and – accidentally, on purpose, who can say? – punches the camera.

This story came at a good time for me. Last week, I made what some might call "a slighting reference" to Mr Sean Penn and his occasional international rescue efforts in this newspaper. I was duly rebuked by a fellow journalist who had recently been in Haiti, claiming that not only was Penn doing lots of good there, but that he "pulled the internet link to stop other people twittering about how cool they were to be saving the world".

This was an extremely disturbing revelation: a celebrity who is not only doing good for charity, but who is not a subscriber to the Philosophy of Demi – that if a good gesture is not recorded on Twitter, and ideally illustrated with a picture of oneself holding a cute brown child in one's lap, then it is not worth doing.

For a few minutes, my entire world view went fuzzy, and every lesson I'd ever learned from Team America seemed tenuous. Wait . . . wait . . . are some celebrities OK? Are their occasional efforts at international diplomacy not entirely laughable?

To calm myself down, I turned on the TV and there was Naomi, punching a camera when asked if she was given a blood diamond by an African despot. Thank you, Naomi.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The starting gate sprung open in the Kentucky Derby, with 19 horses scrambling for position. One jockey knew exactly where he was headed.

Calvin Borel deftly tucked Super Saver along the rail Saturday on a track turned into creamy peanut butter by heavy rain. Once again, he was in his favorite spot, getting a clear path all the way through the goo.

That's why they call him "Bo-rail" and, for the third time in four years, he took the shortest path to the winner's circle.

Borel found only one horse in his way, and once he steered Super Saver around front-running Conveyance, another Run for the Roses was his.

The most wide-open Derby in years ended with a sure thing — Borel crossing the finish line and punching the air with this right fist, this time raising it toward a leaden sky.

"I knew nothing was going to run him down," he said, referring to his bay colt.

The jockey's magic touch on his home track gave trainer Todd Pletcher his first Derby victory after 24 failures with a 2 1/2-length victory over Ice Box.

"Calvin Borel is a great rider anywhere he goes, but at Churchill Downs he's even five lengths better," Pletcher said. "He knows how to ride this track and gets along with his colt beautifully."

Borel's ride at his home track nearly duplicated the one he turned in last year aboard 50-1 shot Mine That Bird, except he and Super Saver went off at lower odds and were never in last place.

Now the trio heads to Baltimore for the Preakness on May 15.

"Calvin already said he's going to win the Triple Crown," Pletcher said, "so I guess we'd better go there."

The Triple Crown was last won 32 years ago by Affirmed. The last Derby winner to break from Super Saver's No. 4 post was 1977 Triple Crown winner Seattle Slew.

Borel almost pulled off his own personal triple last year. Mine That Bird won the Derby, then Borel switched to filly Rachel Alexandra to win the Preakness before going back to Mine That Bird in the Belmont Stakes. They finished third as the 6-5 favorite.

On Saturday, he was confident enough in his colt and his knowledge of the track to take him off the lead in the early going of the 1 1/4-mile race. In all but one of his six previous races, Super Saver had never been farther back than second in the early stages.

Borel knew that strategy wouldn't work in a 20-horse Derby field on a tiring, sloppy track that had been pelted by heavy rain early in the day. So they hugged the rail in sixth place, while many of his rivals were well off the fence in the muck.

"We all know what he's going to do," said Robby Albarado, who finished 14th aboard Dean's Kitten. "He just does it anyway."

Said Borel: "I was just taught it's the shortest way around."

Super Saver was timed in 2:04.45 as the 8-1 second-choice behind favorite Lookin At Lucky, whose 6-1 odds tied Harlan's Holiday in 2002 for the longest priced favorite in 136 runnings. He paid $18, $8.80 and $6.

Pletcher let out a whoop and slapped his hands together after his colt crossed the finish line, snapping a skid the Eclipse Award-winning trainer was eager to end. He watched the race alone on TV in the horseman's lounge near the paddock.

"It will all soak in in a day or two," he said. "Now that it's happened, you just kind of don't know what to feel or say."

He seemed to have a lock on his first Derby win until expected favorite Eskendereya was withdrawn last weekend with a swollen leg. That left Pletcher with four horses in the race, but none as highly regarded.

His other finishers were: Mission Impazible, ninth; filly Devil May Care, 10th; and Discreetly Mine, 13th.

Pletcher's only other Triple Crown race victory was in 2007 at Belmont with the filly Rags to Riches. The lack of a Derby win by the 42-year-old former assistant to D. Wayne Lukas was the most glaring omission on his resume and something he was constantly asked about.

It wasn't for lack of trying.

In 2007, he saddled five in the Derby, with none finishing higher than sixth.

"It's the one thing that was important to me," he said. "The one thing I wanted to do while my parents were still here to see it."

Borel is the first jockey to win three Derbys in four years; Bill Hartack won three from 1960-64.

"Calvin Borel is amazing. He is fearless," trainer Bob Baffert said. "He takes control of the race, and you have to give him a lot of credit. He's a great rider."

Baffert should know. He thought he had his fourth Derby victory in the bag last year until front-running Pioneerof the Nile was overtaken in the stretch by Borel and Mine That Bird.

Baffert's Lookin At Lucky wound up sixth, clearly compromised by starting on the rail. His other colt, Conveyance, finished 15th after setting the pace for more than three-quarters of a mile.

"I lost all chance at the post position draw when I drew the one," Baffert said. "I had a bad feeling about it."

Trained by Nick Zito, Ice Box returned $11.20 and $8. Paddy O'Prado was another neck back in third and paid $7.40 to show.

"I couldn't get lucky enough to beat Calvin," said Zito, a two-time winner.

Make Music for Me was fourth, followed by Noble's Promise, Lookin At Lucky, Dublin, Stately Victor, Mission Impazible, Devil May Care, American Lion and Jackson Bend.

Discreetly Mine was 13th, followed by Dean's Kitten, Conveyance, Homeboykris, Sidney's Candy, Line of David, Awesome Act and Backtalk.

The crowd of 155,804 sought shelter early on from the rain, which had stopped by post time, with sun breaking through the clouds.

LA PAZ (Reuters) – Leftist Bolivian President Evo Morales said on Saturday he had nationalized four power companies, including a subsidiary of France's GDF Suez, in his drive to tighten state control over the impoverished economy.

Morales, a close ally of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, nationalized Bolivia's key natural gas industry soon after taking office in 2006 and has since taken control of several utility companies as well as the Andean nation's biggest smelter and top telecommunications firm.

"We're here ... to nationalize all the hydroelectric plants that were owned by the state before, to comply with the new constitution of the Bolivian state. Basic services cannot be a private business. We're recovering the energy, the light, for all Bolivians," he said in the central Cochabamba region.

Morales said the state now controls 80 percent of electricity generation in Bolivia and was aiming for complete government control over the sector.

The decree read aloud by presidential spokesman Ivan Canelas said the state was taking control of the stakes that private investors held in four power companies, including Corani, Guaracachi and Valle Hermoso, the country's biggest generating companies.

They emerged in the 1990s following the privatization of the state National Electricity Company (ENDE) and account for about half of Bolivia's electricity market.

Corani is 50 percent owned by Inversiones Econergy Bolivia S.A., a subsidiary of France's GDF Suez.
Guaracachi is 50 percent owned by Britain's Rurelec PLC, while Valle Hermoso is run by a private Bolivian firm called the Bolivian Generating Group.

In Corani, Guaracachi and Valle Hermoso, half the shares were held by private investors with the rest held by the Bolivian state.

The fourth power company nationalized on Saturday was ELFEC, which supplies the central Cochabamba region and is controlled by workers and Bolivian investors.

Morales said the Bolivian government tried, but failed, to convince investors to sell the shares the state needed to have a controlling stake.

"It's the state's obligation to compensate investors for their assets. ... We made an effort to reach an agreement with the private, multinational companies, but they were unwilling to reach an accord," said Morales.

Rurelec said it was "very disappointed" Morales had decided to nationalize its assets in Bolivia.
"We're disappointed because Rurelec is third largest British investor in Bolivia. And since 2006, when Evo became president, we have invested more than $110 million in new power plant capacity," said Rurelec CEO Peter Earl.

A GDF Suez spokesperson said in Paris the company "always respects the legislation of the country where it is active while defending its interests as a company."

Several companies have launched legal action over the compensation they were offered as part of Morales' nationalization drive.

Argentina-based Pan American Energy recently filed a complaint against Bolivia at a World Bank arbitration tribunal, regarding the nationalization of its Bolivian subsidiary in early 2009..

Morales likes to celebrate May 1, known as May Day or International Workers' Day, by nationalizing companies controlled by foreign investors.

On May Day last year, he nationalized Air BP, a division of British oil major BP Group and the same day in 2008 he took over Entel, the country's largest telecommunications company, until then controlled by Euro Telecom International, a unit of Telecom Italia.

Morales, the country's first indigenous president and a self-declared anti-capitalist, took office for a second term in January pledging to diversify the economy from its dependence on natural gas and mining exports and to launch state-run paper, cement, iron and lithium companies.

His efforts to give the state more control over the economy are very popular with Bolivia's indigenous majority, who say foreign companies have ransacked the country's natural resources and invested little to help the poor.

Critics say Morales, 50, has scared away crucial foreign investment with nationalizations of companies and is not acting on behalf of all Bolivians but primarily for Aymara and Quechua Indians and other indigenous groups.
(With reporting by Sudip Kar-Gupta in Paris; editing by Simon Gardner and Todd Eastham)

How to Burn Body Fat Quickly

One of the best ways on how to burn body fat fast is by improving your metabolism. This should not be too difficult so long as you combine exercise with the right diet. Below are a few tips that should come in handy in burning that fat.
  • Increase Your Protein Intake. Your body needs protein to be able to build muscle mass. More muscles means your body is able to burn fat at a faster rateless fat is stored in your body and converted to actual body fat. It is of course necessary to combine this with regular exercise.
  • Eat foods with high fiber. Another good way to burn fat is by adding fiber to your diet. Aside from generally improving your health, fiber is also known to facilitate fat burning in your body. Leafy green salads are a great source of fiber.
  • Put on some muscle mass. Muscles don’t only make you look good. They actually serve a very important purpose. The more muscles you have, the better your metabolism is. This means the food you eat is burned at a faster rate. Do some resistance training every other day to pack in some muscles.
  • Do some cardio. If time permits it, you may find it easier to split your cardio exercises into two. Some studies show that 30 minutes of exercise in the morning combined with 30 minutes in the evening is more effective than a full 60-minute cardio workout—and it becomes less tedious too.
  • Say no to carbs—especially at night. You should generally stay away from high-carbohydrate foods such as processed goods and those with lots of sugar. This is especially true before bedtime as these carbs are deposited as fat while we sleep. If you must eat before hitting the hay, opt for fruits or veggies.
Healthy eating habits are essential for a meaningful workout. Whether you’re off to a weightlifting session or running a few miles for cardio, it is necessary to fill your body with enough energy that will last you throughout your workout. It is generally advisable to have a full meal around 2 hours before a workout to ensure that you are at your optimum energy level when you exercise. However, there are also some instances wherein your schedule may not be as accommodating. Nonetheless, you’ll still need to eat something before you work out.

Here are the 10 best food items to eat right before a workout to give you the energy boost that you’ll need:
  • Chocolate (1 snack-sized bar): bioactive compounds phenylethylamine and tyramine in chocolate are excellent energy boosters.
  • Carbohydrate energy gels (1 packet): these easy to digest gels don’t contain any fat and packs loads of concentrated carbs.
  • Bananas (1 medium-sized): the potassium in bananas facilitate in proper muscle and nerve functions.
  • Trail mix (half a cup with dried fruit, seeds, and nuts): contains a lot of zinc and phosphorous for extra energy and muscle healing.
  • Yogurt (8 ounces, low-fat): aside from a boost of energy, the magnesium found in yogurt also helps the body’s metabolic process.
  • Energy bars (1 bar): look for bars that are packed with carbohydrates (i.e. Gatorade bar).
  • Oatmeal (1 cup): the fiber in oatmeal helps gradually release carbs in your body for sustained energy levels Almonds (12 pieces): monounsaturated fats in almonds are superb energy boosters.
  • Pasta (½ cup, cooked whole-wheat): lots of complex carbs that helps increase glycogen (stored energy) in the muscles.
  • Lentils (1 cup, boiled): Low in calories and fat but will boost your energy because of the presence of copper, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, fiber, protein, and carbs.

Healthy Body

Specific nutrients and vitamins protect certain parts of our bodies. Even though taking supplements may be a great way to ensure that your body is getting all the vitamins it needs, a balanced diet is still equally important. Provided below are a list of foods that you should be eating to guarantee that the major parts of your body remain in tiptop form. They are excellent tips for healthy living.

Tips for healthy living

  • For the heart. The essential fatty acids provided by Omega-3 are what your heart needs in order to decrease the risk of heart disease. You should eat sardines, mackerel, or salmon.
  • For the eyes. In order for your body to produce the needed Vitamin A to protect the eyes from harmful diseases, you’ll need to up your Beta-carotene intake. You can do this by eating carrots, broccoli, yams, sweet potatoes, and other green leafy veggies.
  • For the skin. Among other things, Vitamin C facilitates in the oxygen flow to our skins. It is also known to help heal bruises, cuts, and scar tissue. Fruits with high Vitamin C content include oranges, papayas, and grapefruits.
  • For the bones. Aside from calcium, boron is also an important nutrient for our bones. Boron is crucial in the body’s absorption of calcium so you should start eating fruits and veggies such as apples, pears, grapes, peas, and broccoli.
  • For the joints. Copper is essential for the production of enzymes that strengthen the joints and bones of our bodies. Seeds, nuts, shellfish, and oysters are a great source of copper while organ meats (i.e. beef liver) are also known to have high copper contents.
  • For the reproductive organs. High levels of zinc are associated with sperm motility, sperm formation, and male hormone metabolism. Oysters are an excellent source of zinc. Lamb, chicken, and lean beef should also provide sufficient levels of zinc for your body.

How to Make Friends And Influence People

Although most adults enjoy the company of others, making friends can be a very difficult challenge. This article will examine the best ways to meet people and form lasting friendships in adulthood.

Don't let the title of this article fool you- forming lasting friendships is not easy. It would be nice if we could all follow a simple formula and have all the friends we could handle, but life does not always follow the recipe. Human beings are complex creatures, each with his or her own set of aspirations and life experiences. With these variations also comes differing levels of trust, prejudices and needs for companionship. Trying to mesh your own personal gears with those who may share a cog or two with you can be difficult at best. But all is not lost, if we take the time to examine a time when forming friendships was much easier.

Most infants and preschoolers are not intellectually or socially equipped to form true friendships, much to the dismay of their ever-hopeful parents. By sheer necessity, a young child's universe revolves around this newly-formed concept of 'self'. Anyone who has observed very young children in a group setting can attest to the fact that each child begins and ends these sessions alone. They may form a brief alliance with another child in order to share a toy or activity, but soon they return to a world where their individual needs come first. Some may become fascinated with a new playmate or sibling, but this fascination is clearly not the same as a true friendship. Once the playmate is out of sight, the child resumes a more self-involved style of interaction. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule, but for the most part infants and toddlers are still working on the development of 'self', not on forming lasting friendships with non-family members.

But all good things must end, and children enter the school system around the same chronological age. From this point on, many childhood experiences become 'shared', which means the end of a self-oriented lifestyle. It is at this crucial stage of a child's social development that the concept of friendship first arises. We discover that other children have indeed watched the same television shows or have played with the same toys we had.

Some of these other children understood things better than we did- Johnny can tie his shoes really fast or Susie can read a lot of books. Conversely, we also discovered that some children didn't play by the rules we were given. Billy doesn't like to share his toys with anyone and Brian makes fun of the way Cindy talks. Forming friendships became a way of strengthening our own sense of self while protecting us from those who didn't share our views.

As we grew older, the friendship process became more and more selective, as we discovered the benefits of 'group think'. Instead of forming friendships strictly on logistical or situational circumstances, we could choose to align ourselves with those who shared a common interest or common experiences. These friendships tended to be more permanent, because they were based on experiences and goals that were more long-term. High school friendships had the added benefit of time.

We all had daily access to people who were from the same socioeconomic background as we were. The common experiences of school life were destined to last at least four years. Forming lasting friendships during our High School years was much easier, because we had common experiences, common goals and a strong need for companionship. Romantic relationships also developed from these close quarters, leading to an entirely new set of friendship skills.

Following the adolescent years, the idea of friendship may take several unexpected turns. Colleges are filled with potential new friends, but many find themselves caught between holding on to familiar friendships with their former classmates and the unknown factor of new friendships in a competitive environment. For many of us, our early 20s becomes the first time that we actually experience difficulty in establishing or maintaining true friendships. Even if we're not attending college, the struggles of working lower-paying jobs can easily override our ability to make friends with co-workers. The patterns that develop in our early adult lives can seriously affect our ability to form adult friendships in the later years.

So what is the secret to making friends? The short answer is to be a friend yourself. People who surround you on a daily basis are not obligated to become friends- you must make an conscious effort to be receptive to the needs of others. From our earliest childhood experiences we can well remember sensing the relative 'friendliness' of those around us. Before any new friendship can be formed, both parties must display a level of interest that goes beyond individual needs. This is the basic cornerstone of friend making.

As we also learned from childhood, good friends often share common experiences. Co-workers, church members, sport teammates, other parents- all of these people share a common experience. There is no reason why adults cannot equate their adult-level experiences with their earlier childhood ones. Ask another parent about their own child's success on the field. Invite another couple from your church to lunch and discuss the meaning of the day's sermon.

Buy a cup of coffee for the new accountant at work and ask about his or her impressions of the company. Whether your goal is to establish a good casual working relationship or a long-term friendship, the people you see most are more likely to be receptive to friendly gestures. We often overlook those who are closest to us in an effort to find more 'interesting' contacts elsewhere. Never underestimate anyone's potential to be a good friend in need.

Another element of friendship that carries over from childhood is the shared interest. The same reason you joined the golf team or the audio-visual club in High School should be the same reason you join the country club or volunteer to work the videocamera at your church. You truly enjoy an activity or hobby, so you surround yourself with the atmosphere needed to pursue that interest. Why should it stop there? One of the best opportunities you have as an adult to make friends is by joining a club or organization.

Once you've joined a group that shares your interests, however, you must take the next step and actually share your interests. The more active you become in a group situation, the more likely you are to attract friends. Offer to teach a class in some difficult aspect of your chosen hobby. If you need an extra player for your team or a specialist for your project, get in contact with a new face or two.

Perhaps the trickiest part of making new friends is maintenance. Many of us can recall a time when we formed 'friendships' with certain people that turned out to be closer to strategic alliances than real bonds. We befriended the smartest child in our class in order to get the answers to the test, or we made a pact with the strongest child in school in order to protect us from bullies. These 'friendships' were rarely long-lasting, because they lacked the basis for a maintainable relationship.

As soon as the test was over or the bullies dispensed with, we may or may not have even pursued the friendship. This pattern of behavior may carry into our adult lives, causing some of us to form short-term friendships for less than honest purposes. If you want to form more lasting friendships, you must be prepared to work on them for the duration, not for the immediate gratification element. Many people develop a defense mechanism against those who appear to be seeking friendship for selfish reasons. If you are to form lasting relationships with co-workers, you must assure them that you are not using their particular 'assets' for your own benefit. Be aware of your own motivations when seeking out new friendships, especially with co-workers.

Above all, respect the varying degrees of friendship that others have established. Some people naturally prefer to have a few very close friendships, while others are happier with numerous acquaintances on a much lighter plane of emotion. There are those who prefer not to have friends at all, but there is usually a deeper issue that causes them to feel this way, not an innate desire to be left alone. If you are seeking out a new friendship, try to gauge the level of intimacy that works for both parties. Trying to be more of a friend than necessary can be counterproductive, as well as not treating a friendship seriously enough. Once you've established a comfortable level of intimacy with a new friend, learn to live within the boundaries. Strong friendship bonds take time to develop, so never force the issue.

One of the most difficult issues to deal with is the loss of a friendship. Sometimes one party will physically move away, causing a loss of communication and casual contact. The friendship may survive in a long-distance mode, or it may wither from lack of maintenance. You must be prepared for either eventuality. Other friendships suffer from a shift in intimacy, in which the other person finds more satisfaction in a new or different relationship. Single friends sometimes feel that their married friends become more distant as their marriage deepens. A former high school friend may find more in common with a college acquaintance.

These things happen, with a frequency that some may find discouraging. The point is, many well-formed friendships have a natural stopping point that you may or may not recognize or accept at first. Friendship is a constantly revolving state of being, so one of the best ways to remain a good friend is to allow those you care about to explore their own options. If the relationship is worth saving, it is imperative that you allow for the negative as much as the positive.

As nice as it would be to have an instruction book entitled "How to Make Friends", the reality is that for the most part, our truest friends make us instead.

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